Cooperative Model¶
FreeU utilizes a cooperative development model with a primary goal of ensuring that all developers are paid. The model uses "linear" sublicensing to apply increasing source-code and transparency requirements on licensors. This is done within a dual-licensing framework compatible with the FOSS ethic.

Low-level libraries may choose to distribute under The FreeU Liberal License, hoping for widespread use. This is a permissive-like license that allows distribution of binaries without source code. These developers are compensated when a paid license is taken for another FreeU work incorporating their work.
Library developers advocating for a share and share alike software ecosystem would typically choose the The FreeU CopyLeft License. These developers may leverage FreeU Liberal licensed softare or other FreeU CopyLeft licensed softare. When they get paid the authors of the lower-level libraries must be paid too.
Application developers may choose to distribute under the The FreeU Strong CopyLeft License if they wish to provide strong copyleft for both derivative and collected works. This license is similar to the GNU AGPL 3.0 license in that it requires Application Service Providers to distribute source code to their works to system users.
System developers may choose to distribute under the The FreeU Transparent Strong CopyLeft License. This license provides maximum leverage for compensated development by requiring licensors release all documents related to copyright assignment or non-competes.
License Compliance¶
The leverage characteristics of the FreeU Strong CopyLeft License and the FreeU Transparent Strong CopyLeft Licenses licenses work as both carrot-and-stick. Project developers that generously distribute under one of the weaker FreeU licenses only to find that licensors are not paying their fair-share may very well decide to fork their next set of enhancements into a stronger license. Those licensors would then either be forced to forgo future enhancements, comply with the more stringent requirements of the stronger license, or to take a paid license.
Software Sustainability¶
The ability to sublicense previously-unmaintained projects can be a powerful incentive for developers to dig in and make improvements to a languishing project. In this case it may only make sense for a developer to make this investment only if the forked project is released under a "strong" FreeU license such as the Transparent Strong Copyleft License.
Expanding The Circle¶
Development very well might extend beyond coders to testers, documenters, and people willing to offer technical support. The flexibility of the FreeU cooperative licensing model leaves room for all these participants to earn a living as an open source "developers".